Grupo Alimentario de Lorca (La Comarca) and La Comarca Meats are launching new equality plans.
The equality plans of La Comarca and La Comarca Meats are drawn up under the united commitment of the LCFG holding and all its companies to create fair working conditions for all the members of the company, where talent, abilities and skills of all workers are taken into account equally, under a constant premise of equal opportunities.
Through these new plans, we analyze all aspects of our companies that make up the context and working conditions for all our employees, and based on them, we set an improvement plan with new commitments, in order to create an environment of equal work and conditions for all members of the staff.
In the celebration of Equal Salary Day, today September 18th, all the companies that are members of LCFG want to take the opportunity to place greater emphasis on the fight for the elimination of discrimination based on sex, race or any other nature in any workplace, directly or indirectly, and for which it is essential to create specific tools that allow companies not only to control and avoid such discrimination, but also to raise awareness and train all workers, managers and directors of companies in this country on equality.
Therefore, as part of the specific objectives of the new plans, it is the awareness and training of the entire workforce and the integration of conciliation and co-responsibility measures. On the other hand, new plans are also included to improve the proportionality of men and women in all departments, as well as of women in positions of high responsibility. Through the plans, we also include an improvement in the protocols for sexual and sex-based harassment, as well as the promotion of non-sexist language, both formal and informal, used in companies.
The I Equality Plan of La Comarca Meats and the II Equality Plan of Grupo Alimentario de Lorca are also available on our web pages to offer even greater transparency in the field of equal opportunities.
At LCFG we know that we work in an essential sector, in which the most important thing is the people who make it up. Human capital and talent are the assets that allow us to offer our products to the market every day and therefore equal opportunities and protection of diversity are two of our maxims.