La Comarca Food Group has participated in a Water and Industry event coordinated by the newspaper La Verdad.

Isabel Fernández Bastida, head of quality and environment at LCFG and Jisap has participated in a meeting between experts from the public and private sectors with the aim of taking stock of the current situation of the industry and water awareness.

On World Water Day, we must point out the importance and responsibility of the meat industry in the use of such a vital resource for all sectors. Precisely for this reason, the efforts and plans of the holding company to achieve more sustainable production, reducing the water footprint, while guaranteeing animal welfare and the best possible product quality were highlighted.

During the meeting, different projects have been exemplified that encompass the strategy of water use that La Comarca has for a lower environmental impact and thus respond to the new demands of the stakeholders close to the headquarters.

“Lorca is very conscious of how it wants the meat product to be produced and demands that we become more and more sustainable,” said Isabel Fernández in one of her speeches.

Innovation, research and technology will be the axis that defines the future of companies and administrations, so collaboration between different actors will be paramount to take advantage of the finite resources that surround us, in order to achieve complete environmental, economic and social sustainability in the coming years.